- WT.401. New Year Maxim (新歲勉言) 2009-12-30
- WT.400. Re-thinking at Year’s End (歲末的省思) 2009-12-23
- WT.399. Integrity & System (制度與品德) 2009-12-16
- WT.398. The Kingdom Without Peace (天國為何不太平) 2009-12-09
- WT.397. Peace Prize & Peace Tree (和平獎與和平樹) 2009-12-02
- WT.396. Art of Thanksgiving (感恩的生活藝術) 2009-11-25
- WT.395. Master & Monster (英雄與巨怪) 2009-11-18
- WT.394. Founding of Indigenous Theology (本土神學的創始) 2009-11-11
- WT.393. Rooted & Built Up in Him (在祂裏面生根建造) 2009-11-04
- WT.392. Fruit of Reformation (宗教改革的果子) 2009-10-28
- WT.391. Your Brother (你的弟兄和鄰舍) 2009-10-21
- WT.390. Calves & High-places (南丘北犢) 2009-10-14
- WT.389. A Consideration of Consecration or Concentration (奉獻與委身) 2009-10-07
- WT.388. Victim Might Not Be Right (被騙者未必無罪) 2009-09-30
- WT.387. Where Is Now the Elisha of God (神的以利沙在哪裏呢?) 2009-09-23
- WT.386. The Faith of Elijah (以利亞的心志) 2009-09-16
- WT.385. Misionary & Revolutionary (不能不說與趁水打劫) 2009-09-09
- WT.384. Mourn Honesty (真誠與內幕) 2009-09-02
- WT.383. Debtors Discharged (破產與免債) 2009-08-26
- WT.382. Heart & Hand (愛心援手) 2009-08-19
- WT.381. Racial Harmony (和為貴) 2009-08-12
- WT.380. Merely a Member (只不過一會員) 2009-08-05
- WT.379. War on History (歷史的戰爭) 2009-07-29
- WT.378. Guile & Greed (急速發財之鑑) 2009-07-22
- WT.377. For Whom the Bell Tolls (其誰崩逝) 2009-07-15
- WT.376. The Unification of Chinese Writing (書同文的英見真知) 2009-07-08
- WT.375. Roh Moo Hyun’s Fall (盧武鉉的失足) 2009-07-01
- WT.374. Manifestation of the Truth (表現耶穌) 2009-06-24
- WT.373. Bible & Literature (聖經與文字事工) 2009-06-17
- WT.372. NT-Theological Correspondence Course (教會增長的途徑:神學函授) 2009-06-10
- WT.371. Asking For the Springs (上泉與下泉) 2009-06-03
- WT.370. Wisdom & Wealth (才跟財跟材的差別) 2009-05-27
- WT.369. Love Another Kind (愛心的另一面) 2009-05-20
- WT.368. Mistreating People is Shame (虐奴不如為奴) 2009-05-13
- WT.367. Do Not Mock (同情與慎言) 2009-05-06
- WT.366. New Way to Produce Steel (新法煉鋼) 2009-04-29
- WT.365. G Herbert’s Prayer Sonnet (赫柏特的十四行詩:「禱告」) 2009-04-22
- WT.364. The Power of Debt (有債無權) 2009-04-15
- WT.363. Himself He Cannot Save (祂不能救自己) 2009-04-08
- WT.362. Steal Treasures or Steal Throne (竊鉤與竊國) 2009-04-01
- WT.361. Is It God’s Voice (在神面前說話) 2009-03-25
- WT.360. Mind & Message (心與信息) 2009-03-18
- WT.359. Not in Want (富足與無求) 2009-03-11
- WT.358. Frugality & Integrity (儉以養廉) 2009-03-04
- WT.357. Lite the Flame of Revival (點燃復興之火) 2009-02-25
- WT.356. Hope & Memory (新始的反思) 2009-02-18
- WT.355. Where is Hope (盼望在哪裏?) 2009-02-11
- WT.354. Evangel Lite 200th Issue (祝文宣邁向三百) 2009-02-04
- WT.353. The Inner Man (心裏的人) 2009-01-28
- WT.352. Step of Faith (信心的腳步) 2009-01-21
- WT.351. Dayspring (改變的開始) 2009-01-14
- WT.350. Commission & Mission (生命與使命) 2009-01-07
- WT.349. Ability & Reliability (才幹與肯幹) 2008-12-31
- WT.348. Mystery of Godliness (思想敬虔的奧祕) 2008-12-24
- WT.347. Abbreviation Confusion (簡未必明) 2008-12-17
- WT.346. Webster & American English (韋伯斯特與語文改革) 2008-12-10
- WT.345. Milton’s 400th Birthday (彌爾頓四百年誕辰) 2008-12-03
- WT.344. Do Not Judge (是否不可判斷) 2008-11-26
- WT.343. Thinking of Shen-Zhou (有感於神舟) 2008-11-19
- WT.342. Melamine & Morality (商品與人品) 2008-11-12
- WT.341. Despiritualized Democracy (民主與無主) 2008-11-05
- WT.340. The Reformation To Be Continued (持續的宗教改革) 2008-10-29
- WT.339. Bait-In & Bail-Out (金融危機怎麼辦?) 2008-10-22
- WT.338 Is Word Important (語文的重要) 2008-10-15
- WT.337. The Sower of The Truth-S. Pollard (柏格理:模楷長留山巒間) 2008-10-08
- WT.336. God’s Scales (神的天平) 2008-10-01
- WT.335. Why Morality Became Abnormality (道德是否還有價值) 2008-09-24
- WT.334. Why Cannot I (只是你不可以) 2008-09-17
- WT.333. The Awakening of a Gaint (巨人的覺醒) 2008-09-10
- WT.332. Do-Nothing-Wrong is Wrong (唯不犯錯就是錯) 2008-09-03
- WT.331. Fair Competition (其爭也君子) 2008-08-27
- WT.330. A Prophet of The Generation Remembered (時代先知靜默了) 2008-08-20
- WT.329. Talent or Vessel (人才與器皿) 2008-08-13
- WT.328. Olympic Games (奧林匹克運動會有感) 2008-08-06
- WT.327. Another Energy Crisis (另一能源危機) 2008-07-30
- WT.326. Who’s Fault,Who’s Duty (豈止匹夫有責) 2008-07-23
- WT.325. Self-Cleanse or Self-Righteous (自潔或自義) 2008-07-16
- WT.324. The Rainbow Across The Straits (風雨過後現長虹) 2008-07-09
- WT.323. Nation (蒙福之國) 2008-07-02
- WT.322. Concerning Exogamy (異族通婚的再思) 2008-06-25
- WT.321. Concerning Polygamy Sect (邪教與多妻邪風) 2008-06-18
- WT.320. The Future of Fundamentalism (基要派的前景) 2008-06-11
- WT.319. The War on Rice (飯碗爭奪戰) 2008-06-04
- WT.318. Compassion & Chrarity (仁慈與憐恤) 2008-05-28
- WT.317. Dilligence & Devotion (及早醒起) 2008-05-21
- WT.316. The Negro of Another Generation (從艾可思看黑人的歷程) 2008-05-14
- WT.315. What is True Religion (真或假的信仰) 2008-05-07
- WT.314. Olympic Games & Politic Game (這運動不是那運動) 2008-04-30
- WT.313. Cleverness or Character (才慧與品德) 2008-04-23
- WT.312. How the Dollar Lost its Luster (美金為何失光) 2008-04-16
- WT.311. Literature & Revival (文宣興邦與喪邦) 2008-04-09
- WT.310. Who Cares for the Forlorn Seniors (孤獨老人的悲哀) 2008-04-02
- WT.309. Characteristics of Charismatic Movement (近代靈恩運動綜析) 2008-03-26
- WT.308. The Desire for Distinctness (與眾不同) 2008-03-19
- WT.307. Who Cares about the Earth (環境誰保?) 2008-03-12
- WT.306. The E War of the US (美國選戰壁上觀) 2008-03-05
- WT.305. Politics-Religions Relationship (宗教干政的問題) 2008-02-27
- WT.304. The Word & the Way (離經焉得不叛道?) 2008-02-20
- WT.303. Believe & Behave (信神的問題) 2008-02-13
- WT.302. Expel God Expect Gun (校園無神的結果) 2008-02-06
- WT.301. Darwin’s Ghost at Work (達爾文陰魂不散) 2008-01-30
- WT.300. The Portrait of A Servant (僕人的畫像) 2008-01-23
- WT.299. What A Great Nation (何為大國?) 2008-01-16
- WT.298. A Blessed New Year (新年納福) 2008-01-09
- WT.297. Shalom-Prosperity (祝福:和平與繁榮) 2008-01-02
- WT.296. Everyone Must Have Accountability (向誰負責?) 2007-12-26
- WT.295. The Son of God Manifested (道為何成為肉身) 2007-12-19
- WT.294 Closing The Book (掩卷太息) 2007-12-12
- WT.293. The Love of God (神的愛) 2007-12-05
- WT.292. True Meaning of Worship (敬拜的意義) 2007-11-28
- WT.291. Thanksgiving (感恩知足) 2007-11-21
- WT.290. The Blessings of The Bible (聖經來的福分) 2007-11-14
- WT.289. The Battle of Prayer (祈禱的爭戰) 2007-11-07
- WT.288. Merely Human (不過是人) 2007-10-31
- WT.287. A Cosmopolitan Family (不過是一家人) 2007-10-24
- WT.286. Know The Law of God (神的法則) 2007-10-17
- WT.285. Morality & Statemanship (政治與道德) 2007-10-10
- WT.284. Foot & Mouth Disease, etc. (從口腳病說起) 2007-10-04
- WT.283. The Battle of Shrine (神社之爭) 2007-09-26
- WT.282. We have an Altar (我們有一祭壇) 2007-09-19
- WT.281. The Two Pillars of the Temple (聖殿的兩紀念柱) 2007-09-12
- WT.280. The Third Temple (第三聖殿) 2007-09-05
- WT.279. Who is the Rightful Owner of the Earth (江山誰主賓?) 2007-08-29
- WT.278. The Invaluable Human Life (生命的價值) 2007-08-22
- WT.277. What Then (畢業猶未畢) 2007-08-15
- WT.276. The Importance of Walk (身教的重要) 2007-08-08
- WT.275. Nevius Strategy (倪維思宣教方略與開發影響) 2007-08-01
- WT.274. The Strategy of Gideon (基甸兵法) 2007-07-25
- WT.273. The AAA Servant (忠心有見識的僕人) 2007-07-18
- WT.272. Preserve Integrity (品格的危機) 2007-07-11
- WT.271. Sino-Japanese War 70th Anniversary (中日戰爭七十年祭) 2007-07-05
- WT.270. G. Washington’s Prayer (華盛頓的屬靈生活) 2007-06-27
- WT.269. Pentecost’s Actualization (五旬節的實現) 2007-06-20
- WT.268. A Father’s Lasting Legacy (父親持久的遺產) 2007-06-13
- WT.267. Atheist, Alogi & Amoralist (神學的三個基本思考) 2007-06-06
- WT.266. Repentance & Forgiveness (認錯與寬恕) 2007-05-30
- WT.265. Syncretism & Progressive Revelation (啟示的漸進與混合宗教) 2007-05-23
- WT.264. Humbleness & Exaltation (高昇之路) 2007-05-16
- WT.263. Jesus & Mother (耶穌與母親) 2007-05-09
- WT.262. The Real Revival (真正的復興) 2007-05-02
- WT.261. What Administration (行得甚麼政?) 2007-04-25
- WT.260. Existence & Extension (從生存到衍生) 2007-04-18
- WT.259. The Formula of Fruit Bearing (如何結果子) 2007-04-11
- WT.258. The Kingdom of Light (光明的國度) 2007-04-04
- WT.257. Beware of Identity Thieves (謹防身份竊賊) 2007-03-28
- WT.256. Good But Not Good Enough (行善還不夠) 2007-03-21
- WT.255. What Is Dedication (甚麼是奉獻) 2007-03-14
- WT.254. The Exodus of Carter (卡特的義憤) 2007-03-07
- WT.253. The Lone Voice (孤單的聲音) 2007-02-28
- WT.252. Basic Leadership Quality (領袖的品質) 2007-02-21
- WT.251. Truth & Love (愛心與誠實) 2007-02-14
- WT.250. Hirelings & Volunteers 義工的觀念與實際 2007-02-07
- WT.249. Enterprise & Ethics (基督徒倫理與財務管理) 2007-01-31
- WT.248. Resolution & Result (立志與慎始) 2007-01-24
- WT.247. God’s Goad (神的刑杖) 2007-01-17
- WT.246. Speak the Truth (說實話的自由) 2007-01-10
- WT.245. The Spirit of Morrison (追隨馬禮遜的腳蹤) 2007-01-03
- WT.244. First Step (新年立志:進步第一步) 2006-12-27
- WT.243. What Think Ye of Christ (論到基督) 2006-12-20
- WT.242. Hanukkah (光明節與光明之子) 2006-12-13
- WT.241. War’s Toll on the World (是戰之罪) 2006-12-06
- WT.240. The Concept of Kingdom (國度觀念的重要) 2006-11-29
- WT.239. Thanksgiving & National Bird (感恩節與火雞) 2006-11-22
- WT.238. A properous Christian-SHINE (恭喜發光) 2006-11-15
- WT.237. Hagiocracy or Kakistocracy (聖人政權或惡人政權) 2006-11-08
- WT.236. Nation of 300 Million (三億之國) 2006-11-01
- WT.235. Be Prepared (準備) 2006-10-25
- WT.234. Ananias (亞拿尼亞:個別領人) 2006-10-18
- WT.233. Ahimaaz (亞希瑪斯:報好信的好人) 2006-10-11
- WT.232. Why 1492? (為何1492?) 2006-10-04
- WT.231. The Meaning of Yom Kipper (贖罪日的意義) 2006-09-27
- WT.230. The Humble Master (謙卑的領袖) 2006-09-20
- WT.229. Potter & Potsherd (窯匠與瓦片) 2006-09-13
- WT.228. If the Foundationss are destroyed (根基若毀壞) 2006-09-06
- WT.227. In Quest of Quietness (平安的福音) 2006-08-30
- WT.226. Mounds & Caves (山頭與地穴) 2006-08-23
- WT.225. Renewal & Ministry (更新與事奉) 2006-08-16
- WT.224. Edifying or Soothing (聚會與敬拜) 2006-08-09
- WT.223. Entertainment Education (寓教於娛) 2006-08-02
- WT.222. Adventure with Love (愛的冒險) 2006-07-26
- WT.221. Judge Not (不要判斷?) 2006-07-19
- WT.220. House Church Movement (另一種家庭教會) 2006-07-12
- WT.219. Right Use of Riches (為富更為仁) 2006-07-05
- WT.218. The Sowers of Independence (美國獨立的播種者) 2006-06-28
- WT.217. Summer-The Study Season (夏天正是讀書天) 2006-06-21
- WT.216. Teach to Think (我們需要聽道學) 2006-06-14
- WT.215. Unfruitful Soil (結不出果實的土地) 2006-06-07
- WT.214. About Tradition (傳統是否該破除) 2006-05-31
- WT.213. Things Remembered (當記念的) 2006-05-24
- WT.212. Every Home Needs A Door (毋忘家有門) 2006-05-17
- WT.211. The Great Mother (約基別-以色列的偉大母親) 2006-05-10
- WT.210. Praying for Humbleness (救亡圖存在禱告) 2006-05-03
- WT.209. Church Management (教會的管理) 2006-04-29
- WT.208. Lit. Evangelism (文宣聖工與教會前途) 2006-04-19
- WT.207. The Resurrected Christ (基督復活的見證) 2006-04-12
- WT.206. Handel & His Messiah (韓德爾與他的「彌賽亞」) 2006-04-05
- WT.205. Bach & Church Music (巴赫與教會音樂) 2006-03-29
- WT.204. Osteoporosis of Church (教會的軟骨症 ) 2006-03-22
- WT.203. The Other Side of the Story (浪子歸家的另一面) 2006-03-15
- WT.202. God Controls History (神是歷史的主宰) 2006-03-08
- WT.201. Sin & Sickness (罪與病) 2006-03-01
- WT.200. Sin & Righteousness (罪的面目) 2006-02-22
- WT.199. Two Greatest Men (兩位世紀偉人:華盛頓與林肯) 2006-02-15
- WT.198. On Love (情人節談情說愛) 2006-02-08
- WT.197. Clear Thinking (宗教與政治的思維) 2006-02-01
- WT.196. Mute Dog & Minister (守望者和啞巴狗) 2006-01-25
- WT.195. Romanticism & Its Influence (浪漫主義與基督教文化) 2006-01-18
- WT.194. ML King’s Legacy (馬丁路德的遺產) 2006-01-11
- WT.193. Another Mile-Stone (經過又一道門) 2006-01-04
- WT.192. Christ Will Appear A Second Time (基督的第二次顯現) 2005-12-28
- WT.191. Christ Came Into the World (基督耶穌降世) 2005-12-21
- WT.190. Authority & Responsibility (責任與權威) 2005-12-14
- WT.189. Special Gift for All (給所有人的特別禮物) 2005-12-07
- WT.188. Clinton’s Ears (克林頓的耳朵) 2005-11-30
- WT.187. Thinking of Thanksgiving (感恩節思) 2005-11-23
- WT.186. Creed & Credit Card (信條與信用卡) 2005-11-16
- WT.185. Veterans Victory & Vanity (誰為枯骨成何功?) 2005-11-09
- WT.184. Bible & Ballot Box (投票主義) 2005-11-02
- WT.183. Luther and Liberty (路德與自由) 2005-10-26
- WT.182. Dream of Peace (和平之夢) 2005-10-19
- WT.181. Great Commission (審思力行大使命) 2005-10-12
- WT.180. True Tresure of A Nation (是乃國寶) 2005-10-05
- WT.179. Christian & Christianity (基督教與基督徒) 2005-09-28
- WT.178. His Highest’s Distruction (大英雄何竟死亡?) 2005-09-21
- WT.177. Eschatology Trade (末世論:真理與市場價值) 2005-09-14
- WT.176. Knowing and Preparing (知道與預備) 2005-09-07
- WT.175. ECT-Call to Holiness (聖潔更新) 2005-08-31
- WT.174. When Thou Art Converted (回頭以後) 2005-08-24
- WT.173. Why Amos Silenced (阿摩司為何靜默不言?) 2005-08-17
- WT.172. Friendship (友誼) 2005-08-10
- WT.171. Five Friends (五朋友) 2005-08-03
- WT.170. Eastern Lightning (東方閃電) 2005-07-27
- WT.169. Beyond the Tomb (墳墓以後) 2005-07-20
- WT.168. Christian’s Physical Health (基督徒的健康) 2005-07-13
- WT.167. Tablets of Stone and Hearts (石版與心版) 2005-07-06
- WT.166. Build Nations’s Image (建立國家的形象) 2005-06-29
- WT.165. Solar Energy (從野叟獻曝說到太陽能) 2005-06-22
- WT.164. Father’s Image (父親的形像) 2005-06-15
- WT.163. The True Religion (誠實的宗教) 2005-06-08
- WT.162. The First and Last Marriage (首先和末後的婚姻) 2005-06-01
- WT.161. Christ’s Model Marriage (基督耶穌的模範婚姻) 2005-05-25
- WT.160. Academic Supremacy (學術掛帥的危機) 2005-05-18
- WT.159. Repentance Heralds Revival (悔改在復興之先) 2005-05-11
- WT.158. A Peaying Mother (母親,你是強者!) 2005-05-04
- WT.157. A Christian Leader’s Influence (何宗何從) 2005-04-27
- WT.156. Wind Power (風之力) 2005-04-20
- WT.155. Five Loaves (五餅的教訓) 2005-04-13
- WT.154. Spiritual Carnal (福音的層面) 2005-04-06
- WT.153. Faith and Culture (驢.騾.馬:文化與信仰) 2005-03-30
- WT.152. Purim and Cross (兩種拈鬮) 2005-03-23
- WT.151. Ignoramus is not Bliss (無知非福) 2005-03-16
- WT.150. Bridge The Straits (統一中國文字議) 2005-03-09
- WT.149. The Power of Word (語文的能力) 2005-03-02
- WT.148. Slavery & War (奴役制度與美國內戰) 2005-02-23
- WT.147. Liberty (聖經的總義:自由) 2005-02-16
- WT.146. New Year of Rooster (酉年談雞) 2005-02-09
- WT.145. The Magic Spell of Democracy (聖經與真民主) 2005-02-02
- WT.144. Laughing or Crying (哭與笑) 2005-01-26
- WT.143. On American Educaiton (談美國教育) 2005-01-19
- WT.142. Another Philosopy of Living (種樹與築垣) 2005-01-12
- WT.141. Sundial Bridge (時間的橋) 2005-01-05
- WT.140. New Clothes and New Creation (新年與新衣) 2004-12-29
- WT.139. Emmanuel (以馬內利:神人同住) 2004-12-22
- WT.138. Follow the Leader (跟從領袖) 2004-12-15
- WT.137. Hanukka (光明節與修殿) 2004-12-08
- WT.136. Gospel Export (福音出口) 2004-12-01
- WT.135. Thanksgiving (感恩節與宗教迫害) 2004-11-24
- WT.134. The True Nature of False Prophets (假先知的真面目) 2004-11-17
- WT.133. Remember the Veterans (記念戰士功績) 2004-11-10
- WT.132. Darwin Hijacked (達爾文被劫持) 2004-11-03
- WT.131. Justification by Faith (因信稱義) 2004-10-27
- WT.130. Elect the Wise (選賢與能) 2004-10-20
- WT.129. Worthy of Double Honour (加倍的敬奉) 2004-10-13
- WT.128. The Age of Columbus (哥倫布的發現時代) 2004-10-06
- WT.127. Christian’s Patricianhood (基督徒與家國) 2004-09-29
- WT.126. Eat the Scroll (神要我們咬文嚼字) 2004-09-22
- WT.125. Elijah’s Writing (以利亞與文宣) 2004-09-15
- WT.124. Net’s Good Use for Good News (網上翼報有感) 2004-09-08
- WT.123. Lawyer & Lawsuit (好律師) 2004-09-01
- WT.122. Ethics in Ecclesia (教會與倫理) 2004-08-25
- WT.121. Environment & Stewardship (環保與管家) 2004-08-18
- WT.120. In & Out of the Fellowship (團契內外) 2004-08-11
- WT.119. Evangelism (甚麼是福音派) 2004-08-04
- WT.118. Model Molds (是何居心) 2004-07-28
- WT.117. Faith & Life (信仰與生活) 2004-07-21
- WT.116. Henry David Thoreau (楚婁和他的影響) 2004-07-14
- WT.115. Pulpit or Platform (講壇與戲台) 2004-07-07
- WT.114. One Nation Under God (蒙福的國家) 2004-06-30
- WT.113. Politics vs Ethics (政治與倫理) 2004-06-23
- WT.112. What is Family (家如何了) 2004-06-16
- WT.111. Allegiance (宣誓效忠) 2004-06-09
- WT.110. Q & A (問與答) 2004-06-02
- WT.109. Flame & Tongue (火焰與舌頭) 2004-05-26
- WT.108. Groan for Glory (受苦與榮耀) 2004-05-19
- WT.107. Lit-Sen Chang (章力生先生誕世百週年紀念) 2004-05-12
- WT.106. Mother: Moulder Magnificent (母親:偉大的塑造者) 2004-05-05
- WT.105. Church in England & China (英國教會的歷史教訓與中國教會的前途) 2004-04-28
- WT.104. The Perfect Love (完全的愛) 2004-04-21
- WT.103. Athens or Jerusalem (學術與靈命) 2004-04-14
- WT.102. Love in Action (愛的行動) 2004-04-07
- WT.101. Jehovah-jireh (耶和華以勒) 2004-03-31
- WT.100. Sacred Music vs Sacrilegious Music (聖樂或邪樂) 2004-03-24
- WT.099. Messenger (從愛爾蘭的使徒看萬人之選的宣教士) 2004-03-17
- WT.098. Let Us Rise Up & Build (我們起來建造吧!) 2004-03-10
- WT.097. Purim-God Moulds History (普珥節:神掌管歷史) 2004-03-03
- WT.096. 228 Incident (二二八事件平議) 2004-02-25
- WT.095. Battle of Bible (聖經之爭) 2004-02-18
- WT.094. Black Culture (黑人文化) 2004-02-11
- WT.093. The Evil Of Slavery (奴役的陰影) 2004-02-04
- WT.092. Do Not Laid the Laity Rest (平信徒平而不凡) 2004-01-28
- WT.091. Culture Calendar & Celebration (慶新年與文化) 2004-01-21
- WT.090. The Wall Of Partition (築牆與拆牆) 2004-01-14
- WT.089. The Beginning Of A New Year (新年展望) 2004-01-07
- WT.088. YearEndReview (回首又一年) 2003-12-31
- WT.087. ThePermenantDestination (宣教的效果) 2003-12-24
- WT.086. TheMissionField (宣教的工場) 2003-12-17
- WT.085. ThePrimeMissionary (宣教的典範) 2003-12-10
- WT.084. ThePrimeMotivation (宣教的動力) 2003-12-03
- WT.083. GiveThanks (凡事謝恩) 2003-11-26
- WT.082. Students’ReligiousFreedom (學生的宗教自由) 2003-11-19
- WT.081. Ecclesia&History (教會與歷史) 2003-11-12
- WT.080. Disciple&Discipline (門徒與訓練) 2003-11-05
- WT.079. Church&Dogma (教會與教義) 2003-10-29
- WT.078. Bible&Theology (聖徒與聖道) 2003-10-22
- WT.077. Theology&Application (神學的實踐應用) 2003-10-15
- WT.076. Repented The Choice (迷途應知返) 2003-10-08
- WT.075. Truth & Freedom (真理與自由) 2003-10-01
- WT.074. Covetousness-Culture (貪的文化) 2003-09-24
- WT.073. False Witness-Lie To Live (不可作假見證) 2003-09-17
- WT.072. Thou Shalt Not Steal (不為己有:不可偷盜) 2003-09-10
- WT.071. Filiality-Senior Security 孝親與養老 2003-09-03
- WT.070. ShaltNotCommitAdultery (不可姦淫) 2003-08-27
- WT.069. Shalt Not Kill (不可殺人) 2003-08-20
- WT.068. Keep The Sabbath (當守安息日) 2003-08-13
- WT.067. ShaltNotTakeTheLord’sNameInVain (不可妄稱主名) 2003-08-06
- WT.066. ShaltHaveNoneIdols (不可立偶像) 2003-07-30
- WT.065. ThouShaltHaveNoneOtherGods (唯一真神) 2003-07-23
- WT.064. Holiness&Cleanness (聖潔並不過時) 2003-07-16
- WT.063. Theological Education (神學教育的問題) 2003-07-09
- WT.062. WhatToCelebrateFor (國何可慶) 2003-07-02
- WT.061. Sportsmania&Spirituality (運動或敬虔) 2003-06-25
- WT.060. TheImportanceOfDoctrine (重視教訓) 2003-06-18
- WT.059. Father’sSpiritualLeadership (父親:屬靈的領袖) 2003-06-11
- WT.058. Pentecost (五旬節:二位保惠師) 2003-06-04
- WT.057. WhatIsAName (必也正名乎?神學院簡稱) 2003-05-28
- WT.056. Utilitarianism&Predestination (功利主義與神的命定) 2003-05-21
- WT.055. NTTithes (新約的十一奉獻) 2003-05-14
- WT.054. TheMother (母親與靈命傳承) 2003-05-07
- WT.053. GoodDeeds (行善的命令) 2003-04-30
- WT.052. PrayingExpectantly (等候的禱告) 2003-04-23
- WT.051. TheTrueResurrection (真正的復活) 2003-04-16
- WT.050. Jesus&TheFoal (耶穌與驢駒) 2003-04-09
- WT.049. TheThrongOfTheology (神學多歧) 2003-04-02
- WT.048. Christians&War (基督徒與戰爭) 2003-03-26
- WT.047. RememberMembers (身體的感受) 2003-03-19
- WT.046. Purim (普珥節與基督徒歷史觀) 2003-03-12
- WT.045. AbortionApathy (墮胎與救生) 2003-03-05
- WT.044. SpiritOfService 事奉的心志 2003-02-26
- WT.043. Blacks&ChurchMusic (黑人與教會音樂) 2003-02-19
- WT.042. SinOfSlavery (奴役的罪惡) 2003-02-12
- WT.041. TheGreatEmancipator(偉大的解放者) 2003-02-05
- WT.040. TheGraceOfOurLord (我們主耶穌基督的恩典) 2003-01-29
- WT.039. BewareOfTheRootOfEvil (惡根與惡果) 2003-01-22
- WT.038. BodyOfChrist (基督奧秘的身體) 2003-01-15
- WT.037. OnlyJesus (惟獨耶穌) 2003-01-08
- WT.036. Be A Christian (新年新人:作基督徒) 2003-01-01
- WT.035. At Year’s End (歲末迴首念神恩) 2002-12-25
- WT.034. AboutChristmas (聖誕談) 2002-12-18
- WT.033. Arise,Shine! (興起發光) 2002-12-11
- WT.032. WordOfLife (生命之道) 2002-12-04
- WT.031. ACityOnAHill (造在山上的城) 2002-11-27
- WT.030. Exodus (出埃及:避免惡性教育) 2002-11-20
- WT.029. On Top Of Carmel (迦密山上看雲升) 2002-11-13
- WT.028. TheRegressOfReligion (改宗變質的宗教) 2002-11-06
- WT.027. TheReformationAndSince (宗教改革進展多少?) 2002-10-30
- WT.026. American Political Ethics (美國政治品德的沒落) 2002-10-23
- WT.025. TheWayBenefitANation (福國之道) 2002-10-16
- WT.024. ColombusRemembered (紀念哥倫布) 2002-10-09
- WT.023. TheFoundationOfDemocracy (民主的基礎) 2002-10-02
- WT.022. Jerome:TheLiterarySaint (文宣聖徒耶柔米) 2002-09-25
- WT.021. TheChurchAsOneFamily (教會一家) 2002-09-18
- WT.020. TheTerrifyingFireOfAnger (怒火燎原) 2002-09-11
- WT.019. TheOrientalLightningScrutinized (東方閃電透視) 2002-09-04
- WT.018. Christianity&Mohammedanism (基督教與回教) 2002-08-28
- WT.017. TheBible&PrintingMachine (從印刷聖經談起) 2002-08-21
- WT.016. TheScandalOfTheCatholicChurch 從天主教醜聞說起 2002-08-14
- WT.015. QueenOfUK’sJubilee (遙觀英女王金禧) 2002-08-07
- WT.014. TheTrueValueOfGod’sTruth (聖經的真價值) 2002-07-31
- WT.013. WeNeedStandard (我們需要標準) 2002-07-24
- WT.012. Quest&NobelPrize (追尋與諾貝爾獎) 2002-07-17
- WT.011. Unity&Uniformity (合一與統一) 2002-07-10
- WT.010. Exaltation&DisgraceOfTheNation (國慶與國恥) 2002-07-03
- WT.009. ThreeMillenniaOfEnmity (三千年恩怨巴勒斯坦) 2002-06-26
- WT.008. TheWeaknessOfProphet (先知的軟弱) 2002-06-19
- WT.007. Father’sDay&Fathership (父親節的話) 2002-06-12
- WT.006. Democracy&Demoralization (民主政治何不治?) 2002-06-05
- WT.005. Toleration?Syncretism? (容忍乎?混合乎?) 2002-05-29
- WT.004. PaperTiger&SleepingTiger (紙老虎與睡老虎) 2002-05-22
- WT.003. Pentecostal (五旬節) 2002-05-15
- WT.002. RememberMothers (記念母親) 2002-05-08
- WT.001. Prayer:TheKeyToRevival (禱告:復興之鑰) 2002-05-01